Рrice order:
114.500 Euro Kazakhstan.
119.500 Euro Azerbaijan.
109.999 Euro Tajikistan.
115.000 Euro Uzbekistan.
109.999 Euro Kyrgyzstan.
106.000 Euro Moldova.
105.000 Euro Armenia.
103.000 Euro Georgia.
99.000 Euro United Arab Emirates,Saudi Arabia,
Qatar,Kuwait,Bahrain,Brunei Darussalam,
130.000 Euro Israel.
160.000 Euro Turkey.
100.000 Euro China.
100.000 Euro Japan.
100.000  Euro Malaysia.
160.000 Euro Singapore.

Delivery time:

Within 14 days. ‎

Delivery and auction fees will be added to the price. ‎

The delivery cost for each country and city must be indicated individually.